Using Twitter to Improve Staff Relations

Best Practices
Whether sharing an accomplishment or expressing gratitude for a job well done, Twitter is a great tool for praise. From a reader's perspective, tweeting about staff members, as a whole or independently, adds personality and authenticity. Use the following to guide content for staff relation tweets:


SimonFCooper Very proud of Jennifer Carroll, Chef at Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia, taking control on Top Chef - have a look:


thebonaventure The Westin Bonaventure gets green certified by Green Seal see details in attached story. Thanks to all our Associates!!


Hil_Davis I want to thank our corporate team at #Jhilburn. An amazing job supporting our partners behind the scenes. Great people make JH a success!!!


becaschools BECA 2009-2010 teachers are arriving in Cofradia on July 10. Read about them!


ATLCadillac CONGRATS to Tug who is the Sept KICKS Employee of the Month! Dallas + I have a special presentation 4 him tom AM @ 6:10. WOW!


bodybuildingcom Congrats 2 Brandon Poe!'s Fit Employee of the Month! A guy who's def comfortable rockin a speedo


SiamHotelsBuzz Wishes all Siam Bayshore and Bayview hotel employees good luck in the up-coming Thai Hotel Association regional sport competition!


PacifDisability Ran into state VR counselor today. Weight Watchers is offered as an employee benefit. She jumped @ the free opportunity & lost 25lbs in <1yr!


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