EBR Quality of Life Report Released

Baton Rouge Area Foundation Publishes CityStats 2010
Indicators show distress and transition in parish; people eager for progress 
More people rode the bus daily and didn’t have enough money sometime in 2009 to feed themselves. The percentage of people connected to the Internet declined, and the incidents of child abuse increased. All those indicators appear to show that economic troubles are undermining the quality of life in East Baton Rouge.

The Baton Rouge Area Foundation compiled the indicators in its second annual report on the quality of life in the parish. More than 60 indicators are designed to show where we are as a parish, how far we’ve come and where we need to go.  The indicators – and the full report – are at

Some findings in the report:
The Foundation and its fund donors use the indicators to guide millions in nonprofit grants, including nearly $13 million in 2009. We encourage other organizations to use the indicators to focus their efforts to build a better East Baton Rouge.

About the Foundation: The Baton Rouge Area Foundation makes the world better in two ways. We connect fund donors – philanthropists – to worthwhile projects and nonprofits. With them, we have granted $232 million over 46 years to give people a chance to prosper. We also take on projects that change the direction of the Baton Rouge region, such as revitalizing downtown, spearheading the building of the Shaw Center for the Arts, supporting innovations in public schools and reclaiming inner-city neighborhoods.

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