Enter Now: National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC)

Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards
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January 8, 2010
National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC)
Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition Entry Deadline

Enter your best work in the NAGCs 2010 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition. This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. Entry forms are now available at

This year, NAGC has 51 categories to choose from including: a new Special Purpose Communications category, a redefined Promotional/ Marketing Campaigns category and expanded Photography categories.

These enhancements have been made to reflect the changing ways in which we communicate with our audiences. Enter as many categories as you choose in the Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Competition.

The number of opportunities to share your best work, innovation, creativity and use of technology may surprise you.

BLUE PENCIL categories are designed for writing and print-related products.
-- Publications
-- Media Relations
-- Photography
-- Visual Communications
-- Special Communication

GOLD SCREEN categories are reserved for audio, video, CD-ROM, DVD, Web pages, multimedia and other broadcast-related products.
-- Video, Multimedia
-- Internet
-- Electronic Communications

Combined Blue Pencil and Gold Screen category highlights a communication product that encompasses elements from both programs.

Take advantage of special discounts by renewing your NAGC membership or becoming a member today.

National Association of Government Communicators
(NAGC) Headquarters
201 Park Washington Ct.
Falls Church, VA 22046
P: 703-538-1787
F: 703-241-5603

-- Early Submission: Entries postmarked on or before December 4, 2009.

-- Final Submission Deadline: Entries postmarked on or before January 8, 2010.

Join past winners and judges for a How to Submit a Winning Entry teleconference. Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 1:00 PM ET Visit for further details.

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