"Citizen-Led Innovation" Hosts Second Social Innovation Workshop

Better Baton Rouge

APRIL 15, 2011
9:30 am to 1:00 pm
4655 Sherwood Common Blvd


We are ready to move from dialogue to action and want you to join us!

The second Social Innovation Workshop, hosted by Better Baton Rouge "Citizen-Led Innovation" Initiative is being held April 15, 2011. We are ready to put into action to the ideas generated from the September 24, 2010, Leadership Fellows Retreat workshop. This workshop explored innovations focused around education, healthcare and community and faith-based ventures in the city of Baton Rouge. The goal of the Baton Rouge citizens and the 2010 Fellows of the Advanced Leadership Initiative (ALI) at Harvard University was to engage everyone in a participatory process to foster new ways of seeing and thinking about problems.

If you participated in the initial workshop or if you did not, come to this event from 9:30am to 1:00pm and help build a better Baton Rouge. Please click here to RSVP!

More information is available at

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