To Hell With It
Feeling pretty good about yourself? Or kind of hungry? Or miffed about the guy who cut you off in traffic? Careful, you may be slipping into one of the seven deadly sins.
The modern concept of the seven deadly sins is most often attributed to Pope Gregory I, who in 400 A.D. refined lists of “evil thoughts” from ancient Sumerian, Greek and Egyptian cultures into seven particularly egregious moral errors. He used these to help guide Christians away from a hell-bound afterlife. We use them to identify ways to navigate our lives, to find joy and redemption after bad behavior and generally reflect on our choices in word and deed.
Just so you know what you’re potentially getting yourself into with your favorite vices, we’ve put together a brief review of each sin and the virtues that can redeem them.
Pride is dangerously corrupt selfishness, putting one’s own desires, urges, wants and whims before the welfare of other people.
Virtual Antidote: Humility
Anger is actually considered neutral (even Jesus flipped tables). But when you feel uncontrollable anger, rage or hatred, it becomes the sin of wrath.
Virtual Antidote: Patience
Greed is the desire and pursuit of material possessions. This one’s a touchy subject since our society is built on capitalism, and it requires a bit of greediness.
Virtual Antidote: Charity
Gluttony is overindulgence and overconsumption to the point of waste.
Virtual Antidote: Prudence
Lust is the uncontrolled desire for money or power.
Virtual Antidote: Chastity
Envy is sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else.
Virtual Antidote: Kindness
Sloth is a habitual disinclination to exertion. This sin is unique in that it’s the only one characterized by a lack of something rather than an abundance of something.
Virtual Antidote: Diligence